Some Love Stories …


My dear friend Ralph — at 90+ he was still so agile, so alert in body and spirit and mind, it was simply amazing. Speaking to him, ‘d never once felt he was from another era …

He blew me with his knowledge on current affairs and zapped me with the things he did on a computer. Whether bed ridden, on a catheter and sitting on a wheel chair, with partial hearing and on and off Oxygen. He was so vibrant!

Met him when I was 14, and we struck a chord — a bond which lasted till Aug 19, 2012 when he passed on, in his sleep …

So full of joy, so full of hope, days before he died, he even joked about his condition!

Ralph worked in the US AirForce and took part in the flight operations during World War 2. He was married to Ruth. She could stand at par with any of those international beauties and be crowned the winner …

After she was gone, he missed her so much … often spoke of his ”dear Ruthie” and how she’d be in heaven waiting for him … and that he longed to be with her in the Presence of the One He loved the most — His God, whom he worshipped and adored. Yes, that made Ralph the special person he was…thats why age could do nothing to defy his spunk and spirit … that was why he was so positive, so full of life, so much fun and an absolute romantic at heart.

Some people are like that … you just can’t forget them by virtue of their character, and the manner in which they led such an eminent life … their memory, always a lingering fragrance …

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